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Koparent Adverts Module

Short description

Koparent Adverts Module is a Joomla! 2.5.x, 3.x module developed by Koparent Team.
It extends the Koparent component with added functionality. This module displays adverts with many different filtering and ordering. This module can be used to display featured, most popular, recent, random, cheapest, most expensive or adverts sorted by name. Adverts module have all standard display options and it also have slider options, so you can use it to show your adverts in horizontal or vertical slider. This module will completely replace three modules (most popular adverts, recent adverts, featured adverts) in the Joomla 3.0 and newer versions.
You can see live demo of this module on our demo site.

Installation & Upgrading

Download the latest version of the module and install it using the default install procedure of Joomla!
You can easily configure module with these parameters:

  • Category - Select category if you would like to only pull adverts from specified category
  • Count - How many adverts to display in this module
  • Only featured adverts - Show only featured adverts or all adverts
  • Order - With this option you can show your adverts in a different way, you have these options: By Price (Cheapest, most expensive), By title, Random, Most popular first, Recent adverts first
  • Allow duplicate adverts - If you have multiple instances of this module (ex. most popular adverts, latest, random, ...) on the same page, this option will prevent the same adverts from showing more than once.
  • Hide No Results - Choose yes to hide the module if no results are found. If yes, the module will not display (dependent on template). If set to no the module will display with a message for no results found.
  • Force specific Itemid - Force specific menu item id. This will force specific Itemid and the correct modules apply to the form landing page.
  • Module Class - A suffix to be applied to the css class of the module (table.moduletable or div.moduletable), this allows individual module styling
  • Include Koparent CSS - Include the koparent CSS? If this setting is disabled and you have 'Show Banners' enabled, you will need to create your own styles for the banner display. You may disable if you are not using the 'Show Banner' option.
  • Show Description - Display brief description of advert in a module?
  • Clean Description - This will attempt to format the description text in proper sentence case. Mainly for your SEO if some advert descriptions are entered in all caps or similar.
  • Show Banner - Show banners over thumbnail image?
  • Use Thumbnail - Set to yes to use the thumbnail image size, set to no to use the fullsize image
  • Thumb Image Width - Width of thumbnail image (Number only - no px or %)
  • Thumb Image Height - Height of thumbnail image (Number only - no px or %)
  • Border Color - The color of the borders
  • Layout - Select vertical or horizontal layout of adverts.
  • Columns - How many columns per row if using vertical layout.
  • Characters - How many text characters to show on advert overview text.
  • Slideshow - Use slideshow rather than table view.
  • Load JQuery library - If you have problems with JQuery duplicate loads you can disable it here. Koparent modules will not load JQuery scripts twice.
  • Slideshow width - width of slideshow container in pixels. Number only - no px or %.
  • Slideshow height - height of slideshow container in pixels. Number only - no px or %.
  • Duration - The duration of the transition effect.
  • Delay - How long the slide should remain in focus before changing.
  • Show slider buttons - Show previous and Next buttons below slider
  • Slideshow layout - Select vertical or horizontal direction for the slider.

Koparent Adverts Module Preview

You can see live demo of this module on our demo site.
mod koparent adverts module 1mod koparent adverts module 2mod koparent adverts module 3mod koparent adverts module 4

Download Koparent Adverts Module

Koparent Adverts Module is available for download only for subscribers. You can subscribe here: Koparent subscription