Online Demo

Experiance Koparent for free! Write a listing, create reservation and try out the best Booking web aplication Internet can offer in our LIVE Online Demo!
Notice: Demo web site is restarted every 24 hours!

Frontend Demo: click here
username: demo
password: demo

Administration Demo: click here
username: demoadmin
password: demoadmin

Customer Login

  • Rent-a-car
  • Rent a Catering service
  • Rent a Conference hall
  • Rent an Office
  • Rent a Real Estate
  • Rent a Holiday room


Customize Koparent Joomla komponent

Every company has its own specific taste and design not to mention specific requirements and information it wants to track. Our case study have also shown that different users will most likely have different roles within the company, that's why Koparent give you unique setting options with powerful css options that will customize the component to the company's specific needs, as well as the individual users.

Customize the Views

Each view in Settings Tab in Administration area have its own options and gives unique look and feel for each view. For instance, category view can show subcategories but you can also turn them off. Show featured adverts in Category view? No problem, you just turn them on and they will show on category view. Most setting are fine just the way they are, but you can set them up. Basically you can get quick access to the features and functionality in Administration under Settings Tab. Users can even personalize their screen by inserting their own icon or picture!

 Turn features on and off
 Add or remove unwanted information
 Show what you want where you want
 Customize it for each user, category, or advert

Use Joomla native template features to create your own layout

Koparent is build upon Joomla MVC component framework and gives designers option to build their own layouts, views and landing pages directly in their template folder and not messing with the code. Using style-sheets and powerful Koparent design options, you can create your own designs and layouts.

 Style your own layouts
Use Joomla capability to design directly into your template folder
 Use koparent style-sheets to get most of the Koparent design options
 Use existing templates

Koparent Settings

Koparent Settings can be found in Administration area and can be used to change many of the default settings for the Koparent system. For instance, you can choose whether to show google map or not, what currency should Koparent display and many more options that can determine your site useful and user friendly for all your clients. The Koparent Settings allow each company the flexibility to change the default settings in Koparent component to their own liking.

 Set up system payment options
 Set up Captcha
 Configure Addthis Widget
 Set up Walk Score
 Owner default settings
 And many more