Online Demo

Experiance Koparent for free! Write a listing, create reservation and try out the best Booking web aplication Internet can offer in our LIVE Online Demo!
Notice: Demo web site is restarted every 24 hours!

Frontend Demo: click here
username: demo
password: demo

Administration Demo: click here
username: demoadmin
password: demoadmin

Customer Login

  • Rent-a-car
  • Rent a Catering service
  • Rent a Conference hall
  • Rent an Office
  • Rent a Real Estate
  • Rent a Holiday room

Easy installation

The installation of Koparent component in Joomla is quite easy. All you have to do after downloading the component is to install it. To do that go to your Joomla administration area > Extensions > Install/Uninstall.

In the Upload Package File section click Browse and locate the archive of the Koparent component you wish to install. Then click Upload File & Install to upload the file and complete the installation.

After installation Koparent installer will check all requirements and test your system for peak performance of the component after which it will notify user on the status of required features (ex. GD Library, SimpleXML, ...). Installer also installs few plugins used by Koparent component.