Online Demo

Experiance Koparent for free! Write a listing, create reservation and try out the best Booking web aplication Internet can offer in our LIVE Online Demo!
Notice: Demo web site is restarted every 24 hours!

Frontend Demo: click here
username: demo
password: demo

Administration Demo: click here
username: demoadmin
password: demoadmin

Customer Login

  • Rent-a-car
  • Rent a Catering service
  • Rent a Conference hall
  • Rent an Office
  • Rent a Real Estate
  • Rent a Holiday room

New Koparent Tutorials!

tutorialNow you can find out everything you need to know about Koparent and it's functionalities!
We upgraded and created new, more detailed Tutorials and will keep on developing them so you can set up and use Koparent easily. 

Tutorials are set in order of which we think is best to set up and start using Koparent. You can find them all here: Koparent Tutorials


Koparent v6.5 released

koparent logo New release of Koparent extension is available for our subscribers. This is Major release with many new features. We have also optimised code further for Joomla 3.x version. Package is is bundled up in just one package. You can test everything on our demo web site here: Find out how to upgrade here.


Koparent v6.0 released

koparent logo New release of Koparent extension is available for our subscribers. This is Major release with many new features. We have also optimised code further for Joomla 3.x version. Package is is bundled up in just one package. You can test everything on our demo web site here: Find out how to upgrade here.

Koparent v5.9 released

koparent logo New release of Koparent extension is available for our subscribers. This is Major release with many new features. We have also optimised code further for Joomla 3.1 version. Package is is bundled up in just one package. You can test everything on our demo web site here: Find out how to upgrade here.

New Koparent modules and plugins

Component, modules and plugins

We have released new improved versions of existing modules and plugins as well as some new ones that you can download and use them on your sites. Among new releases we would like to point out two most popular extensions: Koparent Adverts Module and Payment Gateway Paypal Plugin. Koparent Adverts Module displays adverts with many different filtering and ordering options. This module can be used to display featured, most popular, recent, random, cheapest, most expensive or adverts sorted by name. It also have slider options, so you can use it to show your adverts in horizontal or vertical slider. Payment Gateway Paypal Plugin enables Paypal payment gateway PER advert owner. In other words, you can have multiple Paypal account, one for each Advert owner.

Koparent v5.7 released

koparent logo New release of Koparent extension is available for our subscribers. This is Major release with many new features. Most important feature are: Joomla 3.0.x ready, Improved logout function... You can now set up Koparent on your Joomla 3.0.x based web sites. Package is is bundled up in just one package. Find out how to upgrade here.

Koparent v5.6 released

koparent logo

New release of Koparent extension is available for our subscribers. This is Major release with many new features. Most important feature are: You can now set up your own date format in Koparent Settings (ex. d.m.Y). Advert specific fields and additional contents can be enabled to be displayed in advert list. You can now export your data to CSV format. Find out how to upgrade here.

2 new languages for Koparent extension

new koparent translations

There are 2 new translations available for our subscribers in Download area: French and Brazilian Portuguese. More translations are in progress and they will be available for our subscribers soon.

Koparent v5.5 released

koparent logo

New release of Koparent extension is available for our subscribers. This is Major release with many new features. Most important feature are: Login/Registration on Reservation page, group additional contents by category, Management of advert types, Export your data into XML, ... You can now manage your advert type any way you like with as many additional fields, additional costs or additional contents as you like. Also from this version it is possible to insert category in additional content and it will be presented in groups in the frontend. Export data in XML format with selected fields that you want to have in your XML file. Find out how to upgrade here.

Koparent v5.4 released

koparent logo

New release of Koparent extension is available for our subscribers. This is Major release with many new features. Most important feature are: Management of specific advert fields, management of Additional costs for reservations, Price list in the advert details, more control over Koparent toolbar, new gallery type, ... You can now setup your advert type any way you like with as many additional fields as you like, also from this version it is possible to insert any of specific advert field into the advanced search. Additional cost are now available for you to set them up any way you like. Find out how to upgrade here.

2 new translations of Koparent extension available

new koparent translations

There are 2 new translations available for our subscribers in Download area: German and Hungarian. More translations are in progress and they will be available for our subscribers soon.

Two new extensions for our subscribers

Component, modules and plugins

We have released two new extensions for your convenience. Subscribers can download these extension in download section.
First extension is Virtuemart plugin for Koparent advert points. This extension allow to integrate Koparent Booking and Reservation Manager Extension with Virtuemart (Virtuemart is a Web Shop system for Joomla). You can sell Koparent user adverts points (number of adverts the user can submit in Koparent extension) trough Virtuemart extension. User can purchase 1,2,10,... of Koparent advert points.
Second extension is Koparent QuickSearch module. This module displays a search form with many fields that can be used to search trough your Koparent data.

Koparent v5.3 released

koparent logo

New release of Koparent extension is available for our subscribers. This is Major release with many new features. Most important feature are: Random advert sort, Style email templates directly from Koparent Settings... You can now show different adverts every time user reloads the page, this will give all adverts fair chance for showing. Also now you can style email templates directly from Koparent settings, and you can also translate the mails to other languages. Find out how to upgrade here.

4 Translations of Koparent extension available

new koparent translations

There are 4 translations available for our subscribers in Download area: English, Croatian, Italian and Czech. More translations are in progress and they will be available for our subscribers soon.

Koparent v5.2 released

koparent logo

New release of Koparent extension is available for our subscribers. This is Major release with many new features. Most important feature are: Custom user field manager, Limit number of adverts user can submit, Starting limit of new users, ... You can now add any additional details to the customer details and enter required fields for user to fill on user account page. Also now you can limit number of adverts that each user can submit. Find out how to upgrade here.

Koparent v5.1 released

koparent logo

New release of Koparent extension is available for our subscribers. This is Major release with many new features. Most important feature is frontend management of the Adverts, we have received request from many of our subscribers asking for that very feature. Users can manage their adverts, reservations (bookings) made on their adverts, date ranges (date rates) and fill their bank account information. We have also upgraded advanced searching engine, Koparent extension will now search selected date range and calculate price for all adverts for that selected date period and will also eliminate adverts that are not available in that period. Please note that we have not updated demo site to new version yet and this features are not available on our demo site. Find out how to upgrade here.

New Koparent modules and plugins

Component, modules and plugins

In last 20 days we have built 9 modules / plugins for our subscribers. All modules/plugins were done on request of our subscribers and we encurage them to let us know their needs so we could build more flexible, powerful and the best booking extension for Joomla.
Koparent available modules: Category Menu, Popular Adverts, Recent Adverts, Tag Cloud, Admin - Popular Adverts.
Koparent available plugins: Search Joomfish, Joomfish Content Elements, Xmap Plugin, sh404SEF Plugin.

Koparent v.5.0 Joomla 2.5 component is out

joomla compat 16 native joomla compat 17 compat 25Koparent v.5.0 Joomla 2.5 component is available for subscribers. In addition, all subscribers have Joomla advanced permissions system and multilingual capability without using Joomfish like in Koparent for Joomla 1.5 version.

Koparent v.5.0 Joomla 2.5 component announcement

compat 25Koparent v.5.0 Joomla 2.5 component is in hard testing and will soon be released for subscribers. All subscribers can download component, modules, plugins and templates with koparent component for managing reservations.

Koparent v.5.0 Joomla component is out

logo maliKoparent v.5.0 Joomla component is publicly available. The best Web aplication for reservation management and listings on the market. Promote your product, sell it or use powerfull reservation system to upgrade your business on the next level. Use Koparent Live demo to test all features before purchase and remember that subscribers get professional support for 1 year.