Online Demo

Experiance Koparent for free! Write a listing, create reservation and try out the best Booking web aplication Internet can offer in our LIVE Online Demo!
Notice: Demo web site is restarted every 24 hours!

Frontend Demo: click here
username: demo
password: demo

Administration Demo: click here
username: demoadmin
password: demoadmin

Customer Login

  • Rent-a-car
  • Rent a Catering service
  • Rent a Conference hall
  • Rent an Office
  • Rent a Real Estate
  • Rent a Holiday room

System integration

Import your existing information

Manual data entry can be time consuming and a costly waste of resources. We can migrate your data and avoid these costs and helps you maximize your investment by cutting down the time it takes to get you up and running. Our implementation team can work with you to help extract information from your current system and import it into Koparent Manager.

We can provide advice on what information to retrieve and assist you in formatting it. We can be as hands-on or hands-off as you want. Our team will discuss the pros and cons of data migration and work with you to create an individual plan that best suites your needs.

Koparent Manager important information:

  • Adverts
  • Categories
  • Reservations
  • Date Ranges
  • Additional costs for reservations
  • Advert specific fields
  • Additional contents