Download Koparent Tutorials

Online Demo

Experiance Koparent for free! Write a listing, create reservation and try out the best Booking web aplication Internet can offer in our LIVE Online Demo!
Notice: Demo web site is restarted every 24 hours!

Frontend Demo: click here
username: demo
password: demo

Administration Demo: click here
username: demoadmin
password: demoadmin

Customer Login

  • Rent-a-car
  • Rent a Catering service
  • Rent a Conference hall
  • Rent an Office
  • Rent a Real Estate
  • Rent a Holiday room

Advert Types and Categories


Koparent Main Page provides you a simple put powerful overview of some main features and recent activities done in your system. On the left side there is a main menu providing you with all the settings and tools needed for managing the entire Koparent system.
In the middle part you can find an overview of recent activities – new users, new reservations and most popular adverts based on the click count.
On the right you can see some technical details and system information which can help you set up your system and see eventual problems or missing features


Creating an Advert

If you finished with setting up some of your most important Advert Types and Categories, you can now create your Advert.

Create an Advert

All of your adverts are stored in Adverts tab.
After clicking New, first step is choosing the right Category. If you have multiple subcategories, you will need to choose the final sub-category. Categories are linked to certain Advert Type so when choosing a category you directly choose its Advert Type and there for you set all the pre-defined Additional Contents, Additional Costs and Specific fields (Advert details) assigned to that Advert Type earlier.
Please notice that it is important to choose a right category (and therefore the Advert Type) from the start so you won't need to change it later since that could cause the loss of data you entered in your Advert (if you choose a category that is assigned to different Advert Type, all the fields in Additional Contents, Additional Costs and Specific fields will change).


Koparent Settings

To adjust Koparent to meet your Company's specific needs, you can find various options in Koparent Settings. These are the settings which apply to the entire system, but you also have the options you are able to adjust for each Advert or overwrite some of these settings on each Advert Type settings.


Additional Settings

Date Range Group

Date Range is a period of time (days in week, days in month, hours of day...) which will have one rental price. According to your pricing logic, you can have more Date Ranges (pieces of time throughout the year) with the same price. That is why you combine them together in one Date Range Group.
Date Range Group is a set of Date Ranges with a same price.
For them to work, they need to be included in each Advert. All assigned Date Range Groups are shown in the Calendar, separated and visible by different colours. If you don't assign any Date Range Group to your Advert, reservation will be made by your default advert price, so the reservations are possible without them, and you don't need to make Date Range Group with your default price, only for the periods that are different than this Advert Price.
You can also set Date range group as disabled, and if that group is added to the Advert all the dates from this Date range group will be shown as disabled.


Users & Reservations


By clicking on the Users main tab you can see the list of all registered users.
Users, in this case are:
1. Frontend Koparent users – which post Adverts and set Date range groups from frontend and can manage their reservations.
2. Website users – are registered users who can make reservations (book Adverts) and they have their frontend user profile.
These users cannot use their user name information to login to site Administration if they do not have permissions in Joomla to log-in.
3. Joomla site Administration users – website owner(s) who can manage Koparent's Administration, login from front and backend, add new users and new reservations from backend


Front End


To display all the important parts of your Koparent application in Frontend view, you can use several Linking options provided by initial installation or becoming available when installing Koparent Modules.