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  • Rent-a-car
  • Rent a Catering service
  • Rent a Conference hall
  • Rent an Office
  • Rent a Real Estate
  • Rent a Holiday room

Advert Types and Categories

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1 koparent dashboard

Figure 1: Koparent Dashboard


Check Advert Types and customize them

Koparent Booking System's logic is based on different Advert Types.
Advert Types contain different features and Advert options which change based on the Type you choose for every individual Advert. Also, every category in Koparent is assigned to its Advert Type and acts according to it. They separate Adverts at the highest level, followed by categories and subcategories.
Koparent comes with 6 pre-defined Advert Types: VEHICLES, TOURISM, SERVICES, REAL-ESTATES, NAUTICA, OTHER.
You can delete the ones you don't need and add your own, custom Advert Type by clicking New and inserting Name. There you can also define some Advert type Overrides which override general Koparent settings, if necessary. We recommend setting up your Koparent settings first, and then to override them by Advert Type options if necessary.
Advert Type main overview list out the number of items associated with each Advert Type.
Every Advert Type allows you to set up a group of future Advert features grouped as: Additional Contents, Additional Costs and Advert details Fields. When adding a new Advert and setting it under specific Category (and therefore under specific Advert Type), a whole set of this features will be listed for this particular Advert, in opposite of another Advert set under different Advert Type.

Advert Type = Additional Contents + Additional Costs + Advert details Fields

2 advert types options


Figure 2: Advert Types

 3 advert types overrides

Figure 3: Advert Type Overrides 


Additional Contents are a set of features you advert has and which you want to extra emphasise, or which differ this advert from others.
Example: if you are renting a holiday apartment, you would like to set Additional Contents as:
Internet (yes/no?), Balcony (yes/no?), Pets allowed (yes/no?), Safe (yes/no?) ... and similar
You can list your set of Additional Contents for every Advert Type, but they will appear on the advert only if you assign value to them.
You can also organize them by categories which will appear in the Advert as a sub-group in Additional Contents section.
Main Overview shows you a list of all additional contents which you can filter by Keyword, assigned Advert Type and Language.
Adding a New Content offers you these options:
Title* - set a name for this Additional content which will be shown to your customers
Advert Type * - select to assign this Content to certain Advert Type
Category – create new, or select existing Additional Content category which will group these features also in the front end Advert view and separate them graphically.
Show on advert list – choose whether to show this content in Advert's short description when listing out all the Adverts of certain category in front end
Language* - choose language 


By default many advert details details are installed along with the Koparent. They are listed in the Advert as Advert Details. They are visible only if you enter a value/include them in the advert. From our experience every advert owner have his own Advert Details, whether they are distance from the restaurant or additional professional equipment, we cannot always cover all possibilities, so we have built a tool so that our subscribers can build their own sets of Advert details fields. These fields will be presented when you are creating or editing your adverts from administration or from frontend, and these fields will be presented when customers are browsing your adverts.
Koparent Settings -> Advert Details Fields will open List of advert details fields that are currently being used by the Koparent and which you can modify if needed, also you can create your own Advert details field.
Main Overview shows you a list of all Details fields which you can filter by Keyword, assigned Advert Type and State (published/unpublished).
Adding a New Details Field offers you these options:
Field name – set a field name for this Field which will not be visible to customers
Field title – this is label of your new field. You can enter it however you want to, and you can even translate it in your language file, if you want to, by using this string: COM_KOPARENT_AC_YOURTITLE
After saving you will see full string for translation and it is coloured in red if translation does not exist in the translation files.
Field type* - is an important option and after save you will not be able to change it. It determines what type your field will be. You can select these options:

  • Text Field – set up the Maximum input Length
  • Drop Down (Single Select) Number Format – add numerical Values for your customers to choose from
  • Drop Down (Single Select) – add Values for your customers to choose from as Drop Down options
  • Check Box (Multiple Select) - add Values for your customers to choose from as Check Box options where they can choose more than one option
  • Drop Down (Multi Select) - add Values for your customers to choose from where they can choose more than one option

Advert Type * - This is a required option and it determines where this field belongs. So you can have different advert details fields in different Advert types
Published – select yes or no
Show on advanced search – choose whether this Field will be shown in advanced search and therefore be used as search option. This option must be enabled in Koparent Settings -> Advanced search -> Show advert details fields.
Show on advert list – choose whether to show this Field in Advert's short description when listing out all the Adverts of certain category in front end
Field search method – select search method for numerical values from offered
Ordering – set an ordering number for this Field

4 additional contents and advert details

Figure 4: Advert Details (in earlier version of Koparent known as Advert Specific Fields) and Additional Contents


Additional Costs are a set of features that are available in your advert, but cost extra and add-up to your original Advert price if chosen when the customer is making reservation.
Koparent installation comes with several pre-defined additional costs which you can already use, alter, delete and add new.
Main Overview shows you a list of all additional costs which you can filter by Keyword, assigned Advert Type and State (published/unpublished).
Adding a New Cost offers you these options:
Field name – set a field name for this Cost which will not be visible to customers
Field title – set field title, visible to your customers
Field type* - select field type. Checkbox allows your customers to select or not a particular offer and Drop down (single select) allows them to choose one of the values which you define in settings. Hidden value is an additional cost which will be automatically calculated in total reservation price. If will not be visible in Additional Cost section in Advert, but only in total calculation.
Advert Type * - select Advert Type to assign this cost to it
Published – choose yes or no
Ordering – set an ordering number for this cost

5 additional costs

Figure 5: Additional costs + hidden field - automatic calculation

Check the Categories and customize them

Categories in Koparent are organized under Advert Types. Installation comes with many pre-defined categories which you can use, delete, alter or add new ones. They allow subcategories also.
In the front end, Koparent supports category view and you can also create link in Joomla on certain category.

Continue to Create an Advert section...

 Download Koparent Tutorial PDFs:

1. Koparent Main Features (2,8mb)
2. Koparent Tutorial - Administration (7,2mb) 
3. Koparent Tutorial - Front End (3,8mb)